
Automotive Processes - Pilkington - First in Glass

Automotive Processes. Toughening (tempering) Toughened glass is most frequently used in the rear and side windows of vehicles. It is designed to be much stronger than standard glass. In the case of a breakage, it shatters into very small blunt pieces thereby significantly reducing risk of injury.

Products - Pilkington - First in Glass

Pilkington Marine uses toughened glass to give constructions high strength. Strength is further improved when lamination is added to provide security, producing glass products well suited to the marine environment. The addition of special coloured interlayers enables us to offer distinctive products for specialist applications. Pilkington ...

FAQs - Pilkington - First in Glass

Laminated sideglazing has significantly increased intruder resistance compared to conventional toughened glass sideglazing. It is strong enough to withstand vigorous attack from a heavy or sharp weapon, acting as an effective deterrent against attack or the opportunist thief and is expected to significantly reduce car crime in Britain and Europe.

Miljøvaredeklarationer (EPD) til termoruder -

This EPD covers the following Pilkington toughened offline coated glass ranges available in standard thicknesses from 4 - 12 mm: Pilkington Suncool™ T range | Pilkington Optitherm™ T range | Pilkington K Glass™ S T | Pilkington Mirropane™ Chrome T range | Pilkington Spandrel Glass Coated T range and the following Pilkington glass ranges ...

Hyppigt stillede spørgsmål - Pilkington - First in Glass

The Date of Applicability for the first set of hENs for glass in building is 1st September 2005. Products covered include: basic soda lime silicate, coated, toughened and heat strengthened glass. The Date of Applicability for the hENs covering insulating glass units, laminated glass and heat soaked thermally toughened glass has yet to be confirmed.

Pilkington K Glass™ N

Pilkington K Glass™ N er vort hardcoated energiglas som har et klart og neutralt udseende og en lavere overflade-modstand, hvilket gør glasset nemmere at rengøre. Pilkington K Glass™ N har en væsentlig bedre isoleringsevne i forhold til floatglas!

Seneste nyt - Pilkington

Pilkington Toughened Glass, Virksomhedsnyheder, Branche, Professionelle. Læs mere. Pressemeddelelse. Det er endelig tid til BAU igen! 06 April 2023. Mød teamet fra NSG Group på BAU 2023, verdens største messe for byggeri og arkitektur, i München 17. – 22. april. Tags:

Security - Pilkington

The type of glazings used in the side windows (sidelights) of cars is moving from toughened glass to laminated glass. Pilkington Automotive supplies laminated side glazing that provide increased levels of security and passenger comfort by increasing attack resistance and defence against theft. Customer benefits include: Reduced theft from cars.

Pilkington Glasfakta 2021

Pilkington K Glass ™ N; Pilkington ... Pilkington Glasfakta 2021, den niende udgave af glasbranchens favorithåndbog, er ankommet til kontoret i Halmstad og vil blive sendt ud til modtagere i Danmark, Norge og Sverige i de kommende uger.

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